
Are you a Black Hat Game Cheater? - Let’s find out. Below you find the rules you need to follow to call yourself a white hat. They use game hacks for selfish reasons and to cause havoc, they make no effort to be good.


Black Hat Game Hackers

A black hat game hacker only cares about their own goals and may even enjoy dominating or trolling others. They are the main reason why game hacking is a hated among gamers as it is. They act with tonal disregard for the games they play or the players they are playing with. - A black hat will generally use their ‘powers’ in the following ways:

  • They generally display a lack of empathy, ranging from very little compassion to no compassion at all.
  • Some of them enjoy dominating, trolling, annoying and ‘PWNing’ others using cheats.
  • They generally act only selfishly with little to no regard for the games they play of the people they play with.
  • They are generally what normal gamers assume all game hackers to be, as they are by far the most noticeable kind of game cheater out there.
  • Some of them are blatant and obvious about cheating, the more sneaky ones try to ride the thin line of using game hacks as much as possible and avoiding bans and reports.

black hat


Become a Black Hat

Keep these rules and use the profile pictures below. This way you will be able to recognize each other on any online platform.



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